UAT raises Occupational Health & Safety Awareness in the Workplace



(25 September 2015, Hong Kong) To strengthen the awareness of occupational health and safety (OHS) among employees while promoting the workplace as a healthy and safe environment, UAT has organized the Occupational Health & Safety Legislation, Implementation, and Management Awareness Training for employees on Thursday, 17 September 2015.

During the training, Dr. Frankie Lam, Registered Safety Officer introduced the legislations and rules on OHS in workplaces indicating workplace accidents, occupational diseases, manual handling, display screen equipment, and first-aid training. UAT has been dedicated to providing and maintaining the workplace and working environment is safe and without risks to health.

In implementing the workplace safety, UAT management has committed to a higher standard of statutory safety requirements and sustained the review and improvement of the Integrated Management System in quality, environment, and OHS. At decoration sites concerned high OHS awareness, UAT adopts safety measures including construction safety training, personal safety equipment, safety manual, prevention of falling, and more.

UAT places the highest priority on OHS of employees. Continually, UAT strives to improve and enhance the health and safety in the workplace on prevention of hazard and risk assessment.
