UAT shares in HKSKH Lady MacLehose Centre Working Partners Sharing Week



(20 January 2014, Hong Kong) In celebrating the 40th anniversary, HKSKH Lady MacLehose Centre has held the Working Partners Sharing Week in mid-January 2014. UAT was invited to share ideas in supporting newly-arrived family and youngster.

Established in 1973, SKH aims at encouraging local community to participate in individual, social, ethical, and spiritual development. The Group and Community Work Unit support ethnic minority, newly-arrived family, and youngster for better social integration and cohesion.

The Working Partners Sharing Scheme was started by the Outstanding Projects Sharing cum Working Partners Communication Luncheon Meeting on Friday, 10 January 2014 at YMCA of Hong Kong. During the meeting, UAT was glad to exchange with various working partners from areas of education, religion, NGO, and commerce while having delicious lunch and exciting African Drum for community building and social integration.

Followed by the meeting was the Dr. Youth Sharing Session of Newly-arrived Youngsters Social Integration Scheme cum Community Investment and Inclusion Fund on Tuesday, 14 January 2014 at Headquarter Building. Mr. Siu Hung Wong, Assistant Secretary and Ms. Elaine Lam, Senior Projector Officer of the Community Investment and Inclusion Fund Secretariat were invited to communicate with representatives of four categories, namely Corporate, Beneficiary, Community Organization, and School, sharing and reviewing the scheme target, plan, result, and revaluation. UAT shared the ideas of Career Workshop in October 2014, assisting newly-arrived youngsters in local career development.

Caring for the needy is one of the focuses of UAT Corporate Social Responsibility Scheme. We believe that supporting the development of social vulnerable groups can lead to a more harmonious and caring society. Through our community activity, we reach out to talk with people of local community.
