UAT Supports the Charter on Preferential Appointment of OSH Star Enterprise



As a caring company, UAT pledged to engage the “Charter on Preferential Appointment of OSH Star Enterprise” for the protection of our valuable workforce.

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“Charter on Preferential Appointment of OSH Star Enterprise” encourages organizations and business establishments to give preferential appointment to OSH Star Enterprise which implemented effective safety management system and passed OSHC’s stringent safety audit to carry out RMAA works, with view to enhance the safety performance of the industry.

Since the accreditation of OHSAS 18001 Occupational Health & Safety Management System, our OHS Policy and infrastructure ensure that a high standard of workplace can be achieved and maintained. UAT places the highest priority on occupational health and safety and maintaining a tidy and safe working environment. We work closely with employees, business partners, and contractors to promote and maintain the best standards and practices on health and safety issues.
