Sharing in the Third Hong Kong SME Business Sustainability Index Research Interview



Further to our participation in the Second Hong Kong SME Business Sustainability Index Program last year, the Department of Management and Marketing of Hong Kong Polytechnic University has invited us to participate in the Meritorious Profile Scheme, sharing our corporate social responsibility (CSR) practices to the industry.

UAT has continuously strived to contribute to the corporate responsibility and sustainable development of the society. Mr. Tony Cheung, our General Manager, is glad to exchange ideas with the professors Dr. Carlos Lo, Professor and Head and Dr. Pansy Li, Teaching Fellow of the Department of Management and Marketing.

During the research interview, Tony expressed his view, drivers, challenges, and benefits in implementing CSR, and future initiatives and commitment. He said, 'Employee, environment, and community are our focuses on CSR and sustainability. We are delighted in seeing the cohesive integration among these three core stakeholders.' He continued, 'We greatly appreciate our employees working together with us in participating community works and maintaining a green workplace.' By this interview, we have a good opportunity in reviewing our existing CSR mechanism and uniting it with education and community, spreading the valuable CSR spirit into the industry.

Throughout the years, UAT has been dedicated to making a positive contribution to the general public by our core businesses, social investment, charity activities and the commitment to the society, establishing a good, sustainable relationship with stakeholders.
