UAT shares in the Briefing and Sharing Session of Employee Assistance Program



Last year, UAT joined hands with other 6 SMEs and founded the Caring SME Alliance, an initiative of The Hong Kong Council of Social Science (HKCSS), to mobilize the industrial sustainability.

On Wednesday, 26 October 2016, UAT shared in the Briefing and Sharing Session of Employee Assistance Program organized by HKCSS at Duke of Windsor Social Service Building.

Officiating guests of the event were Mr. Cliff Choi, Business Director of HKCSS and Dr. Jimmy Lau, Chairman of Caring SME Alliance. Dr. Suen Lap Man, Principal Consultant and Ms. Wicky Ng, Senior Manager of Vital Employee Service Consultancy introduced the Employee Assistance Program and insights of career consultancy, assistance, and training.

Mr. Tony Cheung, our General Manager and Founding Member of Caring SME Alliance, shared the experience in employee assistance and cultivation. He said, 'Employee is the most important asset of UAT. We are a Happy Company in promoting workforce engagement, accelerating a healthy, satisfied workplace for effective work performance.'

Entering the twentieth year, we continuously explore employee talent to optimize this valuable asset, initiatives of caring committee, training and development, work-life balance, family friendly, and reward and recognition of Employee Caring Program are promoting and pursuing at UAT.
